Sparks For Kids 101
Fire can burst from just one spark. This podcast is intended for busy parents to be used with your child and followed with genuine conversation to allow God to create a spark. In this discussion I share a scripture followed by practical questions and application.
Sparks For Kids 101
Kindness Matters
This episode explores the themes of kindness and forgiveness as vital aspects of living out Christian teachings. We share insights based on Ephesians 4:32, encourage compassion in challenging relationships, and emphasize the importance of responding to unkindness with grace.
• Discussing expectations of kindness in our relationships
• The significance of forgiveness in personal growth
• Christ as an example of unwavering kindness
• Understanding the biblical principle of reaping what we sow
• Encouragement to reflect kindness even in difficult times
• Closing with a prayer to embrace kindness and goodness
Hello, you are listening to. It Only Takes a Spark podcast with Pastor Mike. This podcast is designed to be a discipleship support for the busy parent of a child, to spark a fruitful conversation. From a little spark may come a flame. Now let the sparks fly.
Coming from Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 32, it says Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you, just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you. Do you have an expectation on people around you to be kind, to be nice, to do what you would like for them to do? What about being forgiven from that thing that you should have not done and you know you was wrong in doing that? You see, boys and girls, this is exactly what Jesus did for you. He was kind to us when we didn't deserve it. He is gentle with us when we need him to be and, most importantly, he has forgiven us for doing that thing that we should not have done. That we know is wrong.
The Bible does teach us that we will reap what we sow, and so, in doing so, we expect our moms and our dads and those that care for us to be kind to us and to be tender hearted and to do us right. But the truth of the matter is is even when you're faced with that friend or that person that is not being kind to you, if you're kind back, you're doing exactly what the Bible would have you to do and you're being Christ to that person. So let me encourage you today to be kind, to be tenderhearted and to be good, even if that other person is not being good towards you. Father, we come before you today in prayer, asking you help us to be kind today and to do everything we know to be right and to live by your word. We thank you for all of this in your loving and precious name, amen.